Summer Business Success Challenge with Jessica Miller
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There is only one thing standing in the way of you having an amazing summer and
continuing to make money...
It's not that you don't have the time

It's not that you need to find more help

It's not that "everybody's off the grid and not buying anything"
It's gaining the clarity around what you really want this summer, and then being able to know what you're going to sell so you can optimize your business in a way that makes you money.
When you crash land into your summer without knowing what you want to accomplish, and you haven't backed into the sales numbers with a plan to make the money you want, everything in your business becomes disjointed.

And it shows up as:
- Earning inconsistent money
- Not booking consult calls
- A sparse client roster
- Sitting in front of your computer instead of doing the things you love (like hanging out with family or friends, sitting on the beach, sleeping in!)

The solution: mapping out exactly what you want for your amazing summer,  identifying and crafting an offer that calls in your ideal clients (and sells itself), and having a plan to generate the money you want.

After helping hundreds of clients, I'm able to work closely with you, teach you a system that's easily repeatable, and guide you through any questions or stumbling blocks that may be holding you back.

That's why we've made this training application-only, so that we can offer a powerful and intimate experience (as well as provide tons of 1-1 attention) so you can easily transform your summer into something binge-worthy.

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The foundation of every amazing summer is clarity on what you want, a compelling offer, and a plan to get you there.

No more spending your summer in regret instead of celebration.

No more wondering how you're going to make it all happen and where the money is coming from.

A summer business success plan has it all baked in so you know exactly what you need to do to bring in consistent money and still have fun on your own time.

And all you need to do is sign up, and you're on your way to making it a reality - right now!

The foundation of every amazing summer is clarity on what you want, a compelling offer, and a plan to get you there.

No more spending your summer in regret instead of celebration.

No more wondering how you're going to make it all happen and where the money is coming from.

A summer business success plan has it all baked in so you know exactly what you need to do to bring in consistent money and still have fun on your own time.

And all you need to do is sign up, and you're on your way to making it a reality - right now!
What's Included

Day 1
Your Amazing Summer Blueprint

We're going to help you dream and scheme the most amazing summer yet, including revenue and profits you want to make.

Then using our Breakthrough Offer Framework we're going to help you identify and optimize an offer that's going to make that vision a reality.

*BONUS - submit your magnetic offer for review and feedback from me and my team
(yes, this is NOT a typo. You can get your offer reviewed and get our expert opinion on how to take your offer from eh to irresistible!)*


Day 2
LIVE Review
of Your Summer Offer

Watch us review offer in real-time, and grab the chance to have us use your offer as a live example on the call.

Not only are you going to walk away with your magnetic offer - DONE, but if chosen, it's an incredible way to showcase your offer and get your brand exposed to everyone on the call.

(*side note* - no business or memorable summer has ever been built without a magnetic offer at it's core. This is one thing your business cannot survive without. And nailing it down here will not only transform your summer, it will transform your entire business and your revenue year!)

Day 3
Summer Business Success Plan
Now that you have all the core pieces - your vision, your magnetic offer, and your revenue targets, we're going to help you put it all together so you can sell your offer with ease and make your endless summer a reality.

By the end of these three days, you'll be skipping into the weekend, summer business success plan and giddy excitement for all that's headed your way in the next 90 days (and everyone will be asking "how you did it!")

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Last day to join:
June 1st @10amEST
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Don't miss this opportunity!

Limited spots are available.

"I've made over 5k in the past week since working with Jessica Miller!"

- Life Coach

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"I'm still reeling but I'm looking at a $6500 week in my business! That's 3x what I made last month! I've raised my prices and I feel so good about what I'm offering.  It's just blowing my mind!"

- Copywriter

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"Working with Jess has been life-changing for me. From helping me master my mindset about how I show up in my business, to clarifying my offers and pricing, I have been able to generate multiple 5 FIGURES in my business over the past 6 months. I also can't express how much upping my game in my business has also positively impacted my life in so many other areas. If you are ready to get serious about growing your business, and changing your life, hire Jess now! You will thank yourself later!"

- Creative Content and Copy Editor

The sooner you join,
the sooner you are on your way to having your best summer yet and hitting your revenue goals!

Don't miss your chance! Click below to apply.

Jessica Miller is a mom, a wife, and Success Coach and CEO of Jessica Miller Coaching, a life and business coaching company that works with highly-driven female entrepreneurs and business women to empower them to make money and step into who they are meant to be.

After a serious health crisis and the feeling that she was meant for something more, she decided to change her life drastically and walk away from a successful 16 year corporate career to start her own Success Coaching business.

She is passionate about helping others lead their best life, own their time, find vehicles to make significant income, and to grow in ways they never thought they could (she likes to call it "a self-development plan with a paycheck" ;).

But most of all, she wants to help YOU reinvent yourself (and your business) into a brand new version of who YOU want to be, remove all the blocks holding you back from making money on your own terms, and unlock your potential so you can create the success you crave!


Jessica Miller is a mom, a wife, and Success Coach and CEO of Jessica Miller Coaching, a life and business coaching company that works with highly-driven female entrepreneurs and business women to empower them to make money and step into who they are meant to be.

After a serious health crisis and the feeling that she was meant for something more, she decided to change her life drastically and walk away from a successful 16 year corporate career to start her own Success Coaching business.

She is passionate about helping others lead their best life, own their time, find vehicles to make significant income, and to grow in ways they never thought they could (she likes to call it "a self-development plan with a paycheck" ;).

But most of all, she wants to help YOU reinvent yourself (and your business) into a brand new version of who YOU want to be, remove all the blocks holding you back from making money on your own terms, and unlock your potential so you can create the success you crave!

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